You know, I have a confession to make. I lurk. A lot. But I find I only really lurk on the same set of web sites. Blogs of some people I went to college with. I blame google for making those websites so easily accessible. And I blame those people for actually posting their full names on the Internet, making them easily findable by google! (And I thank those people for linking to friends of theirs that I vaguely knew so I can lurk on their blogs, too.)
And I'm sure that some of those people have found my site via site tracking tools. You know, there are analytical tools out there that can tell you where your viewers are located, how often they visit, and even how your visitors got to your site. Were they referred by another site? Did they google something and your page popped up? Or did they flat out type your URL in? One of the niftier things of these analytical tools is you can tell what site these people were on before they came to your site.
Which is why I know that I'm sure I have lurkers, cause I often go from my site to other sites regularly. A little sloppy on my part, but that's ok, homebro. This is the World Wide Web! This is the Internets! We're all connected in one way or other! May as well reconnect!
So I'm too chickensh*t to comment when it's national delurking day or whatever. So don't worry, I don't mind that people lurk here. I really don't. But if you'd like to leave a comment, go ahead. I may even leave them on yours! (If i'm not a wuss.)
And I really only define it as lurking if it's a website that allows for commenting. If you don't allow for comments, then there's no such thing as a lurker, cause, come on, I would TOTALLY get in touch with you if you had a comments section.
(oh, and happy bday to rick and my MIL! (not that my MIL knows this website exists (and I'd like to keep it that way, no offense, just nice to have my own little spot in the world ... but omg, what if SHE lurks?! holy crap.)))