Chonga Deliciosa

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I received the following youtube from my bud Erich. Oh. My. God. Memories of Miami summed up perfectly here!!!!

Thanks, Er!!


Oh yes very much a reminder of Miami...LOL.

Man, back in 1989, I was chongalicious. Today, not so much!

I won't even pretend I get it.

huy - not a bad thing that you don't get it. Really, no kidding.

and annie - really, not a bad thing that you're not chonglicious anymore! Did you glue your hair?

I didn't glue the hair, but I did have jewelry that had my name all over it. And I loved, loved, loved the freestyle bass music. Oh yeah, baby. Memories...

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by acb published on April 19, 2007 3:00 PM.

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