acb: July 2007 Archives

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Sorry about the cruddy quality; it looked fine on my computer. Weird.

I'm worth more than 2 dollars!

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Funny anecdote. On Sunday, the hub-unit and I decided to take the little one on a shopping excursion to Big Lots. Do not ask me why. But they have cheap cereal, so we decided to check it out. In the car, before we got in the store, I applied my colored-lip chap. Cherry Pop, I believe it's called, so it's a light reddish color.

I'm walking around in the store when I come upon a mirror. I look at my face, I look at my bright fuschia-colored shirt, I look back at my face. Face, shirt, face. I'm horrified! The colors clashed so badly. I went up to Ryan and whispered fiercely, "Ryan, Why didn't you tell me I looked like a cheap 2 dollar ho0ker?!" Without missing a beat, he said, "Honey, it's more like four dollar."

Well, at least my value went up double.


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I have decided that I will fully immerse myself in baseball 100% again once Barry Bonds gets the hell out of the game. He truly annoys me to no end. Sure, I liked him back in the Bonds/Bonilla days, but that was before he became 'roid monkey #1 and started to make a mockery of the game and use of steroids. He blows.

Go Braves.

I guess you'd call it cowardice

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But I'm not prepared to go on like this.
I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing
I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing
I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing you
I can't stand losing you-oo-oooo

So I bet you can't figure out what song I have playing in my head right now. I don't think I gave you enough lyrics to figure it out. Or lyrics that could actually have the title of the song in it. :)

There could be way worse songs to have in your head. And these are especially fitting considering I SAW THE PO PO (The Police, people) in concert yesterday!!!! They played all the hits you would expect them to play, and then a few more. They were near perfect. There were some bits when you were like, Hmmm, they could have spent a couple of hours in rehearsal on that one. But what can you expect from a band that broke up under such acrimonious circumstances over 20 years ago?

A lot more in the extended version of this post.

Backslash? NO, YOU FOOL!

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One of my biggest pet peeves is when I hear people giving out a URL over the radio or something like that. "Please visit our website at H T T P colon backslash backslash stupidhead dot com backslash directory."

IDIOT, the SLASH ("/") is NOT a backslash! I understand there could have been some confusion if you were a frequent MS-DOS slash (ha, slash) DR-DOS user and actually *had* to use backslashes in the names of your directory paths. C:\HOME\LOSER\PATHETIC

BUT HELLO!!! THAT WAS OVER TEN YEARS AGO!!!! THE FORWARD SLASH IS NOT A BACKSLASH! The slash is just that. A slash. Do you write your dates with backslashes? Is July 11th, 2007 translated to 7\11\07??? NO, YOU FOOL. IT IS NOT.

Wake up and smell the Starbucks, ffs. It's H T T P COLON SLASH SLASH EDVED DOT GATORPILOT DOT COM.

OMG, I didn't realize how much the backslash irked me til I wrote this post. YES, I am deranged. YES, I know. YES, I need help. And maybe I'm gonna get it. Who knows. :) The backslash almost makes me want to go all OMFGWTFBBQ on their arses. (Dontcha love OMFGWTFBBQ? I learned it from a friend of mine and will use it all the time now. Just you wait.)

And now that I think about it, "slash" is one of those words that looks funny when you actually read how it's spelled and even funnier when you see it written in succession. Slash slash slash slash. I bet Saul Hudson never thought of that when he changed his name. If he had known ... sheesh, he may have had second thoughts.

And let's not even go into the OJ Simpson joke about what his web address is.

Carbs, I heart you.

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And I know you heart me back.

But you're adding inches to my thighs and my belly. So for that, I must banish you, simple carbs. Complex carbs, you're welcome to stay. Who'd have thought I'd have preferred a relationship with something Complex instead of Simple?

And buy, buy, buy! Especially as a ringer T-shirt with red sleeve/neck accent!!!
I <3 Carbs. (and they <3 me back!)

But I don't think I have any making gang sign symbols.

Behold the W.Chicks & Gang Signs music vid:

About this Archive

This page is a archive of recent entries written by acb in July 2007.

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