Backslash? NO, YOU FOOL!

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One of my biggest pet peeves is when I hear people giving out a URL over the radio or something like that. "Please visit our website at H T T P colon backslash backslash stupidhead dot com backslash directory."

IDIOT, the SLASH ("/") is NOT a backslash! I understand there could have been some confusion if you were a frequent MS-DOS slash (ha, slash) DR-DOS user and actually *had* to use backslashes in the names of your directory paths. C:\HOME\LOSER\PATHETIC

BUT HELLO!!! THAT WAS OVER TEN YEARS AGO!!!! THE FORWARD SLASH IS NOT A BACKSLASH! The slash is just that. A slash. Do you write your dates with backslashes? Is July 11th, 2007 translated to 7\11\07??? NO, YOU FOOL. IT IS NOT.

Wake up and smell the Starbucks, ffs. It's H T T P COLON SLASH SLASH EDVED DOT GATORPILOT DOT COM.

OMG, I didn't realize how much the backslash irked me til I wrote this post. YES, I am deranged. YES, I know. YES, I need help. And maybe I'm gonna get it. Who knows. :) The backslash almost makes me want to go all OMFGWTFBBQ on their arses. (Dontcha love OMFGWTFBBQ? I learned it from a friend of mine and will use it all the time now. Just you wait.)

And now that I think about it, "slash" is one of those words that looks funny when you actually read how it's spelled and even funnier when you see it written in succession. Slash slash slash slash. I bet Saul Hudson never thought of that when he changed his name. If he had known ... sheesh, he may have had second thoughts.

And let's not even go into the OJ Simpson joke about what his web address is.


OMG, props. Props-a-rama, my dear!

I used to hate when talking to LM end users, diferentiating between slash and backslash. It got to the point where I'd say, "Look at the question mark key. The symbol on THAT key."

Good luck explaining a "pipe" symbol to a non-UNIX user.

And the mainframers call it "splat", not "asterisk", which most people mispronounce anyway. LOL. It's easier to say faster. "Try the dataset beginning with CHRIS dot SPLAT."

And my old co-worker (one I abhored) used to say, "My name is Annie Rivera, formally Annie McNeil." Dumbass, you meant "formERly". I never knew people mixed up two totally unrelated words.

Was it you or my sis who posted this link?

Dammit, you opened up a can of worms.....
--The Grammar Queen

It was me! That was my link! LOL - so glad it's being used.

I hate it when people misuse the possessive s. For example, if you're sending a Christmas card to the Smiths, don't address it to the Smith's. The Smith's WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?


and I say that only because it irks me too.

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