My Virgin Ears!


So I've always thought I was a lyrics person more than a melody person. Meaning, that songs I really liked, I liked much more for the lyrics than the actual beat. I thought I paid attention to lyrics. I'm finding out ... not so much.

Pretty much the only country music I'll listen to is Garth Brooks Greatest Hits, and that's only because he had a tie in with McDonalds in promoting that CD, and who doesn't love a good Egg McMuffin? And it was in college - aren't we all experimental then?

So anyway, I needed some new music at the gym yesterday, so was just randomly going thru my iPod and decided to listen to that cd that I hadn't heard in ages. Ages.

So I'm elliptical-trainin' it, listening to "Ain't Goin' Down til the Sun Comes Up." Thinking, ooooo, we're goin' to the rodeo. Then I start listening. I mean, really listening. No background noise cause the earbuds are firmly in my ear, and the volume is up to 11 (this one goes to 11).

Click below to see my analysis.

And it starts off ...

Six o'clock on Friday evening / Momma doesn' t know she's leaving / 'Til she hears the screen door slamming / Rubber squealin', gears a-jamming

So he's telling a story about a teenage girl drivin' around.

Local country station just a blaring on the radio / Pick him up at seven and they're headin' to the rodeo / Momma's on the front porch screamin' out her warning / Girl you better get your red head / Back in bed before the morning

So he IS talking about the rodeo. Uh oh, but wait.

Nine o'clock the show is ending / But the fun is just beginning / She knows he's anticipating / But she's gonna keep him waiting


Grab a bite to eat / And then they're heading to the honkey tonk / But loud crowds and line dancing / Just ain't what they really want

Whew, they're only eating and line dancing.

Drive out to the boondocks and park down by the creek

WHAT?! They're parking?!

And where it's George Strait 'til real late / And dancing cheek to cheek

Oh wait, that's sweet! They're dancing cheek to cheek! See, good wholesome. I knew you wouldn't let me down, Garth. And cue chorus:

Ain't going down 'til the sun comes up / Ain't givin' in 'til they get enough / Going 'round the world in a pickup truck / Ain't goin' down 'til the sun comes up

See, what good folks, they're just driving around (in HER truck, no less, go girl power), havin a good time, hanging out. Just chillin, you know?

Ten 'til twelve is wine and dancing / Midnight starts the hard romancing / One o'clock that truck is rocking / Two is coming, still no stopping / Break to check the clock at three / They're right on where they want to be / Four o'clock get up and going / Five o'clock that rooster's crowing

Holy sh*t! THEY'RE DOING IT! OVER AND OVER AGAIN! FORNICATING!!! I hope that man is using a condom, thankyouverymuch.

A couple rounds more of the chorus, and then it ends with teenage rebellion:

Six o'clock on Saturday / Her folks don't know he's on his way / The stalls are clean, the horses fed / They say she's grounded 'til she's dead / Well here he comes around the bend / Slowing down, she's jumping in / Hey mom, you're daughter's gone / And there they go again

Nice. :) Good, wholesome music. Miley Cyrus should do a remake. Still a catchy tune to work out to, tho! :)

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This page contains a single entry by acb published on May 14, 2008 10:03 PM.

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