In Memorium

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Owen's Great-Grandpa Anthony B.
March 6, 1911 - August 25, 2007

Great Gramps and Owen hugging - 8/12/07

This is the nose!

And these are the eyes!

Sorry many of you are hearing it from this blog first ... Everything has been happening so suddenly. It happened very quick and unexpectedly. He is at rest now, and with his late wife, smiling down at us. Hi, Great Taigump, as Owen would say. Love you lots.


So Sorry to hear about your loss. We will be thinking about you and your family.

Sending lots of hugs your way!!

So sorry! We're thinking about you guys.

E-hugs from us.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by acb published on August 26, 2007 11:00 PM.

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