August 2007 Archives

In Memorium

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Owen's Great-Grandpa Anthony B.
March 6, 1911 - August 25, 2007

Great Gramps and Owen hugging - 8/12/07

This is the nose!

And these are the eyes!

Sorry many of you are hearing it from this blog first ... Everything has been happening so suddenly. It happened very quick and unexpectedly. He is at rest now, and with his late wife, smiling down at us. Hi, Great Taigump, as Owen would say. Love you lots.

Thank you.

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A quick thank you to my loyal blog readers for sticking by me even though I haven't been posting lately. Many factors lead up to this lack of posting, but the primary one being work. BLAH. I have been averaging 12-hour work days for 4 out of 5 days of the week for the past three weeks. It's been a killer. But it'll be ok. Vacation is coming up, and that will be nice to have. They'll live without me, right? :) It sure helps to work with people you like. (Most of 'em anyway.) ;)

Owen's June Pics are Posted

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And don't laugh, Christine! There are only 34 pics for that month cause our stupid memory card broke. Although, I can't see myself taking 250-300 pics a month anymore. It's just not feasible! The boy runs around too much and won't sit still for one damn shot.

But he's still cute. He'll be 21 months this Tuesday. I can't believe it. And damn, is he heavy! All of a sudden. One day, I lifted him and nearly threw out my back. Bend with the knees, acb, bend at the knees.

Link at right.

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