Love for My Kid

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I usually don't dedicate entire blog entries to my kid, but wanted to today - for several reasons.

First and foremost, I miss him. I'm 1,000 miles away from him right now on a business trip. Yesterday was my first night away from him since he's been born. I knew the time would come eventually when he'd want to do sleepovers at his friends, or at his grandparents' houses. As a matter of fact, I had even been pushing welllll early on in his life for his local grandparents to take him overnight since they had been talking about it. Things didn't quite turn out well, so those plans have been shelved indefinitely. And now, I can't imagine him doing that. Not that I don't want him to; I just really enjoy putting him to bed at night. And even if someone else gets him ready for bed, and I get home past his bedtime, at least I can sleep well knowing that his face will be one of the first I see in the morning, and it just makes my heart smile. Again, I'm not averse to the idea of him having a sleepover somewhere else (as long as he's safe and sound) - actually, I think I'm gonna ask the in-laws to watch him overnight soon. Wish me luck with that. He'll be a full year and a half by then.

Second, the kid is damn cute. And IMO, very smart. :) I am a biased mom. I know this. But seriously, this kid astounds me with every little thing he does. In the month of March, he became such a little parrot, repeating everything you asked him to. The cutest thing of all is when you say to him, "Owen, say 'Owen.'" And then he says "Oh-weeeeee!" Or when I was sitting on the porch swing w/him outside and said "wheeee" to show approval for the fun swing ride and the next time he was on, he was all "Wheeeee!" Or (ok, one more story) how cute it is when you say "Owen - What does a dog say?" and he says "Dawg!" He used to say "Oof. Oof." But somewhere along the line, that changed to "Dawg!" He does a bunch of animal imitations. Dog, cat, cow, duck. The best are lion ("Raaawr!" complete with a hand claw coming toward you) and monkey (we just taught him that one - totally didn't expect him to pick it up - hands under the arms and ooo ooo ooo).

And I want to dedicate this post to him for one more reason (that I'll expound on here - there are limitless, abundant reasons for me to talk him up) - my baby is sick. :( I feel so bad for him. He's been sick before, but he has been throwing up NON-STOP since 7:30 a.m. I didn't find out til about 1 p.m. and have been worried ever since. Ryan's doing AN AWESOME job with the baby, but my heart is totally breaking since I am so. far. away. :( I won't be home til Thursday night, and I know (well, hope) he'll be better anyway. I know he's probably caught the awful bug that's going around. Amelia had it when she was down this weekend; I got an e-mail from Charity earlier - Justin had it; I e-mailed my neighbor to assist Ryan if he needed anything, and it turns out she and her daughter had it yesterday. To top it off - one lady at the conference I'm at (who also traveled from our homebase) had to leave at 2 p.m. today because she could not stop throwing up after lunch. We don't know if it's because of something she ate, but I have a feeling it's this bug. Well, hopefully we brought it up North and everyone gets sick. Sorta like in 28 Days Later.

Anyway, peace out.

I love you, Oh-weeeeee! Mama misses you. Very much.


Isn't it strange how totally and completely that mama love takes over your entire being? And BTW, that was totally crafty, being conveniently out of town for the pukin' rally. Hope he feels better (and that no one else in your fam catches it. Ug.).

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by acb published on April 10, 2007 4:45 PM.

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