
| | Comments (6)

Don't ask me what that title means, I just wanted to write it.

Anyway, this is a great site that has common errors of the English Language. It's freakin' fantastic.

I think I might even make a permanent link to this on my blog.

Common Errors In English.


As you know, my favorite is 'supposedly'.

Don't you mean "Suppose-ABLY." I knew someone in college that used to say that. Repeatedly. *sigh*

I *thought* I knew someone in colelgew ho used to say that, but then I realized it was just a dream. Maybe you had the SAME DREAM I HAD and the person didn't really exist?

OMG, like in Dallas!!!

OMG, like in Dallas!!!

OMG, BEST WEBSITE EVER!! Scott peeked over my shoulder to see the cause of my jubilation, and huffed when he saw the header. Mu-ha-haa-haaaa!

I'm going to forward this to Randy & the ESD!!

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This page contains a single entry by acb published on March 20, 2007 2:00 PM.

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