March 2007 Archives


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Don't ask me what that title means, I just wanted to write it.

Anyway, this is a great site that has common errors of the English Language. It's freakin' fantastic.

I think I might even make a permanent link to this on my blog.

Common Errors In English.

(One-Word) Survey Says!


Geez, I don't know how I'm going to answer all of these in one word - you all know how much I love to elaborate on my surveys. Dang. Ok, Here goes, I'll give it a shot!

1. Where is your cell phone?

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend?

3. Your hair?

O! O! O! O!

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Shutterfly pics for January are posted.


Oppy Berdday toooo Joo!

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A shout out to my Annie Bannannie on her 73rd birthday! Happy birthday you old fart!

And happy birthday to Chris Chris Bo Biss. Although I don't know if he reads this blog or not. YOUR LOSS, BUDDY! Hahahaha.

All right, happy birthday, you two. Wishing you a year of joy, happiness, love, and laughter.

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