High Expectations

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I rarely talk about work in my blog, but thought I'd share a quick story (since I have nothing else to blog about today).

On a telecon this ayem. Several people are on. Thankfully there is a mute button on our phones. We do round tables. My turn. "I sent out the requirements to the internal team and they need to give me feedback by Tuesday. Then I will incorporate comments and get it out to the BA POCs [don't worry what the acronyms stand for] by Wednesday. Then they need to get their comments back to me by Tuesday and we can discuss it by the next Wednesday." My Tech Lead says "And how do you expect to get such a quick turnaround time on this?" My response? "Magic."

Yes. I said "Magic." I can't believe I said "Magic." On a call with over 30 people, I said "Magic." Smart-ass. So then he goes, "Oh. Magic." Next topic.


I love it! It's like when a previous employer of mine asked meh how I was going to fill a room with 800 people and I said "I don't know."

That's just awesome!!! LOL

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This page contains a single entry by acb published on December 7, 2006 2:09 PM.

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