Glad I didn't order the Gator cake

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So yeah. We're throwing a very small party for Owen this weekend - for his first bday and all, right. So we were looking all over for a good cake. The publix by us didn't have ANYTHING good. So then I went to a different publix and they had a bunch, and even had TWO different Gator designs. Two of 'em. But what I was ideally looking for was just a cake with a dog on it, or a cake with a bear. I didn't want any kind of theme, just a frickin' bear or a frickin' dog. Or maybe a frickin' shark with laser beams.

So I ordered the old school Albert cake.

But then I realized that if I get this cake and the Gators lose this weekend, that Owen's bday on Sunday would be rough, just staring at a stupid Gator on that cake. So we went to Publix today and I asked the dude - what if i wanted to change a custom order. He said to just call by 7. I was biting my teeth from the first seconds of this game, so I couldn't wait til 7 - I called during the first quarter and changed the design.


Even tho the gators won, it was a freaking close one. I'm not going to honor them until maybe next year. They don't deserve it for freaking causing me heart palpitations throughout these games.

So there.



I am LMAO! You are so funny. I would have done the same, tho. Thankfully, the Gators won. In lovely fashion, I think.

Ok, running off now. BTW, my internet connection is still stinkin'. Big time.

I am LMAO! You are so funny. I would have done the same, tho. Thankfully, the Gators won. In lovely fashion, I think.

Ok, running off now. BTW, my internet connection is still stinkin'. Big time.

Yeah that game was too darn close. The Gators got lucky Saturday....just can't believe how close it was. I'm happy they won though!

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