I wonder how anyone can get anything done at work when people have meetings all day. I have meetings straight from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. today. And that's a light day.
So I'm supposed to get work done at some point. And it's Monday. Joy.
OK, back to the grind - I gotta meeting to get to.
Whatev. I'm just a big a loser as you. No meetings today, but tons of correspondence to get out. I started work this morning, and just looked at the clock - 11:50! Where did the entire morning go?
OMG, you're not kidding. Worse than meetings are Consultants!
My hubby's company recently got bought by HD. HD wants them to improve something. In the info gathering process, someone decided Scott needed to be involved in the consultants interviewing the branch managers as a translator. They're interviewing 40 managers, and at 2 hours apiece. He freaked, and they divvied the list among 3 people. So now, he has to interview "only" 12 people, tying up 24 hours of his workload this month. Yeah, that's no biggie. Try hanging out in the break room for 6 hours a week, and see if it affects your productivity....meetings, shmeetings. consultants, shmconsultants. (Try saying that aloud)
Well I hope the rest of the week is going better. do you have those fun meetings where you have to meet before the real meeting and then meet after to discuss the real meeting in more detail? I always loved those...