October 2006 Archives

Walker, Texas Ranger

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That's what I kept calling Owen this weekend. "Why?," you may ask. "Why praytell, were you referring to him by some godawful 90's TV Show starring Chuck Norris?" (By the by, click on that link - you won't be disappointed.)

Well, it's simple.

Because he walked this weekend. I'm not talking one or two measly steps here and there ... Eight or Nine measly steps, thank you very much! :) Yup, he did it on Friday night and we have 'em on tape. And he kept doing it. Walking from his dad to me.

Of course, when we try to get him to re-enact this award winning scene in public, he won't. He either a) stumbles and pretends to fall, or b) gets shy and coyly turns his head away. My boy, the prince of drama. He gets it from my mother. Oh dear. Poor boy. ;)

He did it, he did it!

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It is with great pride that I document another milestone in my little boy's life - drumroll, please -

Owen stood up on his own for several 10-15 second increments last night!

OK, OK, I can see how that may not be as exciting as walking, per se, but it's a step closer. Should I be excited about the walking thing? Or scared? :) Heh. He has stood up on his own before, but that was only for like 2 or 3 seconds top.

And I gotta say (Lord, I hope I'm not jinxing it, knock on wood), he's v. v. good at it. He climbs up, and then just let's go of something and stands. And looks around. He even has his hands in puppy hand mode sometimes (imagine a dog sitting up with his front paws in the air). The coolest part? When he's tired of standing on his own, he puts his hands back on the table or toy box and lowers himself back down, or just continues playing. He flopped on his bum once and just looked at himself like, hmm, dunno if I like that.

Anyway, I don't know if any of that is "normal" - but I'm excited and so proud of the little guy. He's damn cute. And I've been really bad with pics lately - our computer at home is on the fritz, so I haven't been able to DL many new pics or burn any CDs. My deepest, deepest apologies!

We're going to putz around w/it this w/e, so hopefully it'll get better. After spending all day on the computer at work, neither Ryan or I want to touch the one at home. ;)

Meetings Schmeetings

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I wonder how anyone can get anything done at work when people have meetings all day. I have meetings straight from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. today. And that's a light day.

So I'm supposed to get work done at some point. And it's Monday. Joy.

OK, back to the grind - I gotta meeting to get to.

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