Owen's August Pics are up on Shutterfly.

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Hi y'all -

Sorry I haven't blogged much lately or responded to comments posted on the blog. I have been meaning to, but life has been busy. Have been in the office all week in face to face meetings. But I did make it a point last night to stay up til 11:30 p.m. and get the captions on these.

I've updated his milestones for all months and August pics. Again - a Meine Kleine Weblog exclusive before it is made public to the general population!


Hope you all are well.



*sigh* I heart Owen.

*sigh* I heart Owen.

Me too me too! OWEN frickin' RULES!

OMG, #2 is gonna hate you so bad.......My little sister still holds a grudge with M&D that there aren't nearly as many baby Sandy pics as baby Christine. mu-ha-haha! >:)

You guys still totally smoke us on quantity of kid #1 photos. I swear, it must be a film (us) vs. digital (you) issue.

As usual, the pics are adorable. Thanks for sharing!! :)

(I guess I gotta get my Aug pics out...all 3 of 'em.)

Number 2?! Who said anything about number 2?!

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This page contains a single entry by acb published on September 13, 2006 3:09 PM.

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