acb: March 2008 Archives

Thought of the Day


Some people are like slinkies. They're really not good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs.

Hope you all are having a good day.



So I figure I haven't updated in, oh, over a MONTH. So I thought I'd swing by and say hi. I can't decide what bent I want this blog to take on. Like, do I want to talk about my day-to-day dealings with a kid? Do I want to document all the great things (i think) the kid does? Do I want to talk about just mundane (or not so mundane) things that happen at work? Do I want to chronicle my (never-ending) quest to lose weight? Do I want to just post youtubes? Do I want to ...

You know what I'm sayin ... So I just have to figure it out. Some would say I don't really need an underlying theme and I could just blog about whatever the hell I want to... Which is OK, but I'd like to have some semblance of organization in my web-based appearance. I mean, I'm a mess enough as it is in my real life, so may as well come across as unflawed on the Interweb! :D

Eh, whatever. Anywho, hope all are well.

Owen's shutterfly is updated to February. Things are (mostly) good. Fam coming in town for Easter - should be nice and hectic at the same time. Hope you all have a Blessed Easter!


About this Archive

This page is a archive of recent entries written by acb in March 2008.

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acb: April 2008 is the next archive.

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